Benefits of Individual Membership
The SAFE Board of Directors extends an invitation to Individuals and Organizations to join the SAFE Association.
SAFE Individual Membership includes:
- The SAFE Newsletter (4 or more issues a year)
- Access to all Technical Presentations from our Annual Symposium
- All Symposium-related Mailings
- Voting privileges for your SAFE Board of Directors
- Submission information for our Annual Awards Program. Detailed information on our Awards can be found on the Awards Program page.
Individual Membership Fees and Dues
- New Individual Membership (First Year Only) - $25.00
- New Full Time Student Membership - $10.00
- New Retired Membership- $20.00
- Individual Membership Renewal - $75.00
- Full Time Student Membership Renewal- $10.00
- Retired Membership Renewal- $15.00
- Part of Corporate Membership- $0.00